Works for Me: Cooking with All Things Trader Joe's

This post could alternatively be called, "You Know That You're Living in Suburban Hell When...".

However, our sweet 1950's neighborhood, while perhaps unfortunately located within suburban hell* sixty years ago is now firmly placed in Midtown Tucson. That's right, in-the-middle-of-town. When I start pining for a tiny railroad house near 4th Ave (the cool part of town) I remember that comforting fact. Our future kiddos won't have to take the bus to school but can take the city bus to the nearby artsy theatre.

*suburban hell: n. meaning so far beyond the pale of civilization that you have to drive to go get an ice cream cone, see also Chandler, AZ. (Just kidding, bro and sis-in-law) As in, Billy can't walk to the Dairy Queen no more since his family moved to suburban hell.

But I digress.

My newest impulse purchase at Barne's and Noble this morning was a copy of Cooking with All Things Trader Joe's by non-Trader Joe's peeps Deana Gunn and Wona Miniati. I was mightily tempted to buy it because it solved two reoccurring problems for me: 1, having to make grocery lists from cookbook recipes and 2, having to remember which recipes I bought said groceries for.

I just folded down the corners of the best looking recipes of the bunch and headed to the store with my book sitting open in the front of my shopping cart.

I was, I might add, an extremely popular shopper at Trader Joe's today. My book got passed around so much that I thought about writing my name in it.

This week I will be preparing the following recipes:

Eggplant Tostada p.26
Mediterranean Lentil Salad p.53
Asian Shrimp and Noodle Soup p.68
Zesty Shrimp and Scallops on Greens p.79
California Fish Taco p.95
Vegetarian Hummus and Lentil Wrap p.147
Eggplant Parmesan Pasta p.167
Honey, I Ate the Chocolate Bread Pudding p.201
Almond Pudding p.219

I might have gone slightly overboard.


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