2010 - The Obligatory Recap

Everyone's doing a recap. Guess I should too, before the blogging gods strike me with some kind of nasty plague (a virus? an erased archive? photos from my middle school yearbook?).

2010* edited b/c apparently I am an idiot.

First there was snow in the mountains, we had a wedding: vows, kiss-kiss, bride-and-groom...

Then honeymoon in Sedona, came back just in time to catch a Rockies' game, painted the back of the house and the back door pink, planted a garden...

Finished up the back of the house, started on the front and painted the front door pink, quit because summer in Tucson is hot, Pete played the Folk Festival, found a table for the living room, got a bike...

Next did a little traveling to Denver (yum, Little India!), then San Diego up to Venice Beach for a parade, found hanging planters for the front porch, painted some old farmstools...

And just in time for Mom's visit painted the guest bedroom white, repainted the front door and back door green (thanks again, Mom!), carves some baby gourds, walked in the Day of the Dead parade, planted a winter garden, got a new patio set (still no good pix!)...

Had a wonderful Thanksgiving (Thanks How and Heather!), went hiking, traveled to San Diego again and sipped tea in the Japanese Gardens at Balboa Park...

Eventually drove home on Christmas Day, welcomed the new year early at Olive Garden, and starting a new (exhausting) week of teaching!

What a year (I feel like taking a nap now).
