Prepping for the Chickens

Yes, you read that right - we're going to fix up the coop and get some chickens!
Amanda and I started prep work this morning by tightening up the screws in the old picket fence (that needs to be replaced with a 4' chain-link fence with a gate), and moving some dirt from the base of the coop. I would rake the dirt onto her shovel, and then she would pick it up and carry the dirt over to the bigger dirt pile.

Today we also went to OK Feed and Supply to check out their coops. They were out of stock, but should have some back in stock in a week. We decided that if we didn't like any of the coops they had next week, that we would try to design a custom coop to fit our run.

Then, we went to Duncan Donuts drive-thru.

Last, we ordered a 900 lb bag of construction sand from Lowe's. It was $19.80 for the sand, 13.50 for the bag, and then another $20 for delivery. Total was $56.20, but we get the bag money back when we return it, since they re-use the giant plastic bags. We actually save about $55 on delivery by opening a business account with Lowe's, which also gives us 5% off every time we shop.

I asked Amanda if she'd be interested in opening a chicken egg business, and she agreed to become my partner. 
