What's New with the Coop? Week One.

One week ago, Amanda and I went to check out coops at OK Feed and Supply, and then we ordered a giant bag (900lb) of construction sand from Lowe's.
The bag was delivered on Saturday, by forklift off the back of a semi (wish I had taken a picture of that!). On Sunday I picked up a wheel barrow from ACE and we got started transporting the sand from the end of the driveway to the bottom of the chicken run.
 But not before taking the wheel barrow for a little test drive. It's the perfect size for eight-year-old helpers.
This morning I also attached an apron of about 2 feet of chicken wire to the side of the run, and then put some concrete flat blocks over the apron to discourage digging by predators. On the other side of the fence, I butted up some bricks so that the sand had something to pack up against.
We have a massive pile of breaks, left over from when I took out the janky pathway through the yard.
As temperatures climb to almost 100 degrees next week, I want to focus on providing some shade to the coop and the little garden beds to the side.
